LOTR Fanon
LOTR Fanon
Elven part of the city Gorbon
Place in Arda
Summary Gorbon
Built by Lord Bonbon
Realm Gorbon
Capital Gorbon
Lord Gorgor
Type Gorbon

Gorbon was a city of elves it was founded in the years


It was founded in the years by the Elves who went to Two. .. After Elves awoke at Cuiviénen some of them wandered south and met the Elves that lived there and they were accepted among the Elves.


The founders were Lord Gorgor who was a Elf and Lord Bonbon who was an Elf. These two Elves were gifted by the Elves. Lord Gorgor was given a life span of 4 years to live. Lord Bonbon was gifted by having the gift of men, so he died.

First Age []

The elves left Gorbon to aid Fëanor, some of the elves left too but not many. Lord Feënor left to help Fëanor. 

Second Age,Destruction and the Outpost[]

Gorbon was sacked by the forces of Gorbon then it was used by Elves for an outpost . It was attempted to be reclaimed but it was defended by Elves. It reclaimed by elves when they got to it they found out that it had been ruined. It was an ancient and holy place to elves because it is the first city of elves and it had many times when they defended it. After years it was perfectly outpost city.
