- 20 Years' War
- 250th Company
- 2900 3A
- 2980 3A
- 2990 3A
- 2997 3A
- 3001 3A
- 515 3A
- 61 3A
- A Bear of a Problem: Chapter 1: Old Memories and Guests
- A Bear of a Problem: Chapter 2: Changing Concerns
- Aaramoarne
- Abilities of the Fellowship
- Adalgrim Took
- Adarcer
- Adelard Took
- Adj-Djabaq
- Adrahil II
- Adrilden
- Aearewn
- Aeariel
- Aegnor Aikanáro
- Aerdor
- Aerona Silverwing
- Aglahad
- Ailen Uldaren
- Ailimul
- Ailinosto
- Ailuran
- Ainetearz
- Ainion
- Ajdaho
- Akhôrahil
- Aksriz
- Alatar (Novelty)
- Alcarinque
- Alexander
- Alfrid Lickspittle
- Alkhur Barreadon
- Allannia
- Allor The Timeless
- Altairer Taurin
- Alternate LOTR Ending
- Aman
- Amandalf
- Amarië
- Amarthwen
- Amber Baggins
- Ambush of the Wargs
- An Introduction to the World of Arda
- Ancalagon
- Ancaruin
- Andreth Saelind
- Andril
- Anduin
- Andúnië
- Angband
- Angelica Baggins
- Angelimir
- Angmar
- Angmar's Cvill war atfer it's fall
- Angrod
- Anguirel
- Anlipige
- Ansien
- Ansund
- Antaonar
- Anárion
- Ar-Pharazôn
- Arachnó
- Aradis, son of Alradis
- Aradson
- Aragan the Great
- Aragas
- Aragorn II
- Aragwin
- Arandir
- Aranir
- Aranrûth
- Arantar
- Aratan Taurin
- Arathorn II
- Arca-Daemon
- Ardulae
- Argdush
- Arheled
- Arhuan
- Arien The Sun
- Aristos Thelbran
- Arlok
- Arnorians
- Arthedain
- Arthur C. Marchbanks
- Artio-luth
- Arvedui of Gondor
- Arwen Telcontar
- Arzadna
- Arèmè
- Aslan I Philoandunos
- Asphodel Burrows
- Astárion
- Atani
- Atarians
- Attack of the Rohirrim
- Attack on Ithilien
- Audulë
- Authel
- Avariel
- Azog
- Bado Boffin
- Baggins family
- Bakhira
- Balbo Baggins
- Balfor
- Balin
- Balrog
- Balrog-lords
- Balrogath Cult
- Bane IV Chainbiter
- Bannie Grumm
- Barad-dûr
- Barada
- Barador
- Bard Bowman
- Bardan
- Baron Benincasa
- Basso Boffin
- Battle at Agasha dag
- Battle at Carn Dum
- Battle for Arda: The Last Alliance
- Battle for Middle-earth III (Krystal Tomlin)
- Battle for Middle-earth IV: The Last Alliance
- Battle for Middle Earth
- Battle for Middle Earth: Shadow from the East
- Battle for Middle Earth III
- Battle for Middle Earth III (Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age)
- Battle for Middle Earth III (by 10-4)
- Battle for Moria
- Battle for Tharbad
- Battle of Azanulbizar
- Battle of Bywater
- Battle of Chongqiangcheng
- Battle of Cirith Ungol
- Battle of Dagorlad
- Battle of Dunland
- Battle of Fornost
- Battle of Gond Dúath
- Battle of Gondor
- Battle of Helm's Deep
- Battle of Isengard
- Battle of Lam Nheong
- Battle of Mirkwood
- Battle of Morannon
- Battle of Morannon/Spenpiano
- Battle of Nûrnen-Dûr (DoM)
- Battle of Old Osgiliath
- Battle of Rhovanion
- Battle of Rhûn
- Battle of Rivendell
- Battle of Romanon
- Battle of Sarkan Fields
- Battle of Thirteen Armies
- Battle of Timbakjin
- Battle of Twelve Armies
- Battle of the Dust
- Battle of the Misty Mountains
- Battle of the North Downs
- Battle of the Sea of Rhun
- Bavin II
- Bazk
- Beastmen
- Belba Bolger
- Beleg Cúthalion
- Belegion
- Belegurthian Scamp (Middle Earth Fanon-Headcanon Expansion)
- Belladonna Baggins
- Bellakar (Kin-Strife)
- Bellindiel Lómeloth
- Beregond II
- Berembor
- Beren Erchamion
- Berengar Took
- Bergil
- Berilac Brandybuck
- Berylla Baggins
- Betsy Butterbur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Ruffin
- Bilwit
- Bimbur
- Bingo Baggins
- Bingo Bolger-Baggins
- Black Council
- Black Númenórean
- Blacklocks
- Blackroot Vale
- Blanco Bracegirdle
- Blue Wizards
- Bob
- Bodo Proudfoot
- Boffin family
- Bolg/Sasha
- Bolger family
- Bolin
- Bolingúl
- Bolo Hamwich
- Bolvag
- Bomfrís
- Bordhor
- Borgob
- Borgthaur
- Boromir
- Bosco Boffin
- Bowman Cotton
- Bree
- Bree-hobbits
- Bree-humans
- Bree-landers
- Bregedur
- Briffo Boffin
- Brillin Groundbottom
- Brizgrat
- Brukraksh
- Bruno Bracegirdle
- Brædfætmann
- Bubghâsh
- Buffo Boffin
- Bungo Baggins
- Burner
- Burzgûl
- Burzin
- Byrnyor
- Bálin Treefriend
- Bârak
- Bâzku
- Bûrgurûm
- C Age
- Cai Jeng
- Caladhir
- Caladwen
- Calaglin
- Calanon
- Calathiel
- Calenglad
- Calwen Aurellen
- Camellia Baggins
- Carcharoth
- Cardolan
- Carnadhiel
- Carnen
- Carrog/Sasha
- Cassarondhea
- Casus belli
- Celandine Took
- Celduin
- Celebren
- Celebrimbor
- Celebur
- Celedin
- Celedin and Gailadine
- Celegorm Turcafinwë
- Celébriel Tindómiel
- Cendrolom
- Chakin
- Character
- Character (Final Version)
- Chellon
- Cheng Luzheng
- Chernabog
- Chica Baggins
- Chief's Men
- Chief Appleblood
- Chieftain of the Dúnedain
- Children of Hurin (film)
- Chóin
- Cirion II
- Cirith Ungol
- Cities of Gondor
- Civil War of Mordor (DoM)
- Collapse of Tenghui'tong
- Colonies of Númenór
- Cori
- Corsanir
- Corwin
- Cranor
- Crebain
- Crugbit
- Current events
- Curugon
- Cyclops
- Cyflym
- Cyotoku the Warlord
- Daeppíta
- Dagnir
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dagor nalrieth
- Dagúrmúrl
- Daisy Boffin
- Daisy Gamgee
- Daisy Gamgee I
- Dalason
- Dale
- Dalkarazburgnd
- Damrod
- Danariél
- Dark Dwarves
- Dark Elf
- Dark Lord
- Dark Lord/Sasha
- Dark Messiah Series
- Dark Power/Sasha
- Dark Regent
- Dark Tree
- Dark Viceroy of the North
- Dark Viceroy of the South
- Dark Viceroy of the West
- Dark Wars
- Dark Worship
- Darkness/Sasha
- December 10
- December 4
- December 5
- Deep Goblins
- Defalorg
- Deminrae
- Demons/Sasha
- Dernwyn
- Dervorin
- Despar (TDS)
- Diera
- Dimple Hamwich
- Dior Eluchîl
- Dirhaborn
- Diyarbakır Temizlik Şirketleri Doğu Temizlik
- Diyarbakır Temizlik Şirketleri Sanat Temizlik
- Doderic Brandybuck
- Dol-Heagron
- Dol Guldur
- Donnamira Boffin
- Donnamira Took
- Dora Baggins
- Dorbon
- Dork
- Dorwinion
- Drada