LOTR Fanon
to LOTR Fanon.

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If you don't know much about the world of the Lord of the Rings, CLICK HERE for some basic info!
This is fanon! Your articles can completely contradict canon if you want! They do not, by any means, have to fit canon. If you are looking for the Canon wiki, it can be found Here.

"Don't the great tales never end?"

-Samwise Gamgee
Bilbo's story was left unfinished, for you! -- write characters, wars, battles and so much more.
Why don't you make a page, do what you want with it. You can make an endless supply of articles. And do please categorize your pages. Thank you!

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Featured Article
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Many tales have been told of the ever-menacing Black Gate, gateway to the land of Mordor, but there are more adventures still unwritten. We'd like to invite you to join with other Middle-earth fans to create an original story set in "The Dark Land" using Wikia's new interactive mapping feature!

Set in an impregnable stone and iron wall stretching from the Mountains of Ash in the north, to the Ephel Duath in the west, the Black Gate was built by Sauron during the Second Age. And there it would stand until the last epic battle of the War of the Ring.

You know the stories of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but what could've happened in the Black Gate's shadow during the 60 years between these tales?

This is your chance to chronicle the adventures of this land during this unexplored era.



Note For New Users: Please feel free to contribute and help clean things. Sign up to the Draconic Alliance here! Thanks! ~Wyvern Rex.



Fanon facts

Did You Knows[]

From our current fanon information.

  • ...That Bakhira was the only immortal Holy Dragon ever lived?
  • ...That Kash-Nar was born in the Blue Mountains?
  • ...That a ranger called Eradan fought at Osgiliath, Minas Tirith, and the Black gate and survived?
  • ...That the Dark Elf forces forced the dwarves, hobbits, and men into exile?
  • ...That Dagthalion is one of the Ithilien Rangers under the command of Faramir and survived in the War of the Ring?
  • ...That there are other shieldmaidens besides Eowyn and Morwen?
  • ...That there are other well-known elven maidens besides Arwen and Galadriel?
  • ...That King Chadmire III was a Nazgul?



ElvenViolinist ElvenViolinist 9 August 2024

Fanfiction ~ Retreat from Osgiliath

Note: So basically this is a really short one-shot fanfiction for the Lord of the Rings, set during the War of the Ring. It is a story told from Faramir's pov as he leads his men in retreat from Osgiliath to Minas Tirith. Please enjoy!

“Retreat! Fall…

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Themaker418 Themaker418 3 June 2021


Is their A PROPER way to talk to people on this wiki?

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FingolfinKing FingolfinKing 22 February 2019

New Editor of One Ring to Rule them All Wiki

Hi I am FingolfinKing, I was announced New Editor of One Ring to Rule them All Wiki yesterday. I am new and I am glad that Fandom has accepted my Talents and I thank them.


@Fingolfin High King of the Noldor 17:39, February 22, 2019 (UTC)

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Swordsofwrathadmin Swordsofwrathadmin 1 November 2018

Draconic Alliance Halloween Blogpost 2018

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Swordsofwrathadmin Swordsofwrathadmin 7 October 2018

Announcing Draconic Alliance Discord

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