Biographical information
Physical description
morpheus was born in the first age, of middle earth.When, he was born it was on the day of the eclipse, which were he lived was considered a bad omen.The people casted him out into the wild, only years later for him to come back leading a dark army.He would rule all the way till the time of morgoth,were he was sealed away into a tomb, under mordor.When, the eye of sauron fell, the shock wave freed morpheus fom his tomb.He waited for the army of men to leave, then he set out to recreate his army.He started with recreating the orc race, calling on the souls of the ancient orcs, then he started raising the corpses of those who died at the black gates.he even managed to corrupt 30 storm giants to his side.with this army he rebuilt modor,and a few pits to make more orcs.He has been doing this in secret for many years, till on the aniversary of sauron's defeat, morpheus attacked with his army,and captured the mines of moria,thus alerting middle earth of his pressence. he has been in many battles against many foes.he has many abilities,including turning into a dragon hence the name doom dragon

morpheus in dragon form