True Water-drakes are often referred to as Sea Serpents (Q. "Lingwilóki"; sing."Lingwilóke"). There are both freshwater and saltwater varieties and these hideous monsters can be found wherever the water is dark and deep.
Most are deep blue or sea green in color and hard to see, particularly in the darkness. Fully grown sea serpents can be longer than ships, and they hunt massive prey.
All sea serpents are agile swimmers who are capable of moving at speeds of up to twenty knots (about twenty-one miles per hour). They move almost silently and can squeeze through very small passages in reefs or cavern systems. Using its keen senses, including a sonar-like organ like that found in porpoises, it can locate its prey under the worst conditions. Then it strikes with a burst of speed, as well as an uncanny sense of precision. These creatures fear bright sunlight or fierce, unquenchable fires, so they rarely venture intoshallows— particularlyduring the day. (A host of torches might cause a Water-drake to flee.)
After successfully stalking a potential victim, this water-drake can seize it with its six fin-claws or stun it with a blast of expelled water. It uses its large mouthful of multirowed, four-inch teeth to crush its prey into flexibility and then swallows it more or less whole. A larger victim might call for even more forceful methods: the long head and tail of the Water-drake make an effective whip or noose.
The old serpents have been known to attack ships, dragging them beneath the waves with their massive coils, and devouring entire crews in a single gulp, before dragging the husks away to build their nests. They can live for centuries, and a single sea serpent's nest might have ships from eras ago, long thought vanished. Their nests also often have the treasures of their victims, but the sea serpents care little for such trinkets. They lay their eggs in such nests, for even the youngest of newly hatched sea serpents can hold their breath far longer than any land-based humanoid as tides ebb and flow around the nests.
Aside from the aforementioned fear of fire, the Water-drake's one weakness is its dislike of the disorienting effects ofa stunning blow. Such an injury may cause the monster to flee.